Teen Club
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Funny Bumper Stickers
My car's not a tree hugger, I'm drunk you idiot!
Beer -- Helping Ugly People Get Laid Since 1837.
Rehab is for Quitters.
I may be drunk, but you are down right ugly, and I shall be sober in the morning.
An Irishman is not drunk so long as he can hold on to one blade of grass and not fall off the earth.
Milk sucks, got beer?
1 Tequila 2 Tequila 3 Tequila Floor
Save a tree; eat a beaver.
A cat by any other name is still a furry little hairball that shits behind the couch.
Does this condom make me look fat?
If my dog had a face as ugly as your's, I would shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards!
I need someone really bad, are you really bad?
I used to wonder why God made ugly people, then I realized it was so people like me could get a good laugh.
Firefighters: we find them hot, and leave them wet!
Can I have your number, I'll call you when my dog is in heat.
Sweet guys open my heart, smart guys open my mind, but only fine guys can open my legs.
Sex is evil, evil is sin, sins are forgiven, so stick it back in.
Jim 06/02/2009
Traffic Stop
Two men are driving through Texas when they get pulled over by a State Trooper. The cop walks up and taps on the window with his nightstick.
The driver rolls down the window and WHACK, the cop smacks him in the head with the stick. The driver asks, "What the hell was that for?"
The cop answers, "You're in Texas son. When we pull you over, you better have your license ready when we get to your car."
The driver says, "I'm sorry, Officer, I'm not from around here."
The cop runs a check on the guy's license, and he's clean. He gives the guy his license back, walks around to the passenger side, and taps on the window.
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The passenger rolls down the window and WHACK, the cop smacks him on the head with the nightstick.
The passenger asks, "What'd you do that for, sir?"
The cop says, "Just making your wish come true."
The passenger asks, "Making what wish come true?"
The cop says, "I know that two miles down the road you're going to say to your buddy, "I wish that asshole would've tried that shit with me!"
Funny : lawak nogori..
Dara : Abang sayang tak kek den..??
Teruna : Dah tontulah sayang..apo hal eh pulak tanyo nih..?
Dara : Sajo, yo... abangggg. .eden ado satu toka toki nih..??
Teruna : Apo bondo eh ??
Dara : Kalau abang sayang kek eden..kono jawab dongan botul tau²... .
Teruna : Abang cubolah.. camano tuh..
Dara : Kalau abang botul² pandai..cubo sobutkan bezo eh antaro burung dan kapa torobang ?
Teruna : umangg aiiii... Sonang eh... .burung bondo idup,kapa torobang tidak, botul tak ?
Dara : Salah... cubo laei..
Teruna : Burung kocik dan kapa torobang bosa gilo... ... .
Dara : Salahhhhhhhhhh. . cubo laei..ni poluang terakhir tau
Teruna : Burung ringan... kapa torobang boghek gilo... .
Dara : somuo eh salah... !! apo la punyo lombab..hahahahah.
Teruna : Apo nih..somuo eh salah..apo jawapan ehh..??
Dara : Dongar botul² yo..Kapa Torobang bilo naik..makin lamo makin kocikk... 'BURUNG' lak makin naik makin memBOSARRRRRRRRRRRR ... ..!!hwah..hwah.. hwah..tak gitu...
Maaf la ada unsur 18SX sikit. Den bukan org nogori... .tp..best gak... .hihihi
Kalau over sgt mod lock jo la..eden x kesah dowh..

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